Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale
of Intelligence Test (WPPSI-III) - 3rd
The WPPSI-III does not
require the child to read or write.
are four composite scores (one is optional), that should be provided to
- Verbal IQ (VIQ)
- Performance IQ (PIQ)
- Processing Speed Quotient (PSQ)
- General Language (GLC) - optional composite
- Full Scale IQ (FSIQ)
Verbal IQ
is based on Information, Vocabulary, and Word Reasoning. (Comprehension and Similarities are possible
substitutes for the other verbal subtests.)
Performance (fluid) IQ is based on Block Design, Matrix Reasoning,
and Picture Concepts. (Picture Completion and Object Assembly are
possible substitutes for the other Performance subtests.)
Processing Speed Quotient, or visual-motor, clerical speed and
accuracy, includes Coding & Symbol Search. For
children age 4 up to 7 & 3 months, this Quotient (PS) can be
General Language Composite is based on Receptive Vocabulary and Picture
Full Scale IQ
is based on seven tests: 3 Verbal, 3
Performance (fluid), and 1 Processing Speed test.
Each of these IQs are composite scores. Both the Verbal and
Performance IQ scores are composites of five different subtests, each
of which measures a different area of ability (this test is not an
achievement test). The Full Scale IQ is a composite of the Verbal
and Performance scores, which makes it a composite of fourteen different
Check for a GAP between the Verbal IQ
and the Performance IQ. One indicator of a severe learning
disability is when the gap is approaching
two standard deviations (approximately 30 points or more);
would be looked at as a severe discrepancy. Another indication is
a severe discrepancy between the child's intelligence and educational
scores, or if there is a significant SCATTER between subtests
The child may have perceptual or processing disorder.
D. Wright and P. D. Wright (1983)).
- Block Design - While viewing a constructed model or a picture in
Stimulus Book, the child uses one or two color blocks to recreate the
design within a specified time limit.
- Information - For Picture Items, the child responds to a question
by choosing a picture from four response options. For Verbal Items, the
child answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge
- Matrix Reasoning - The child looks at an incomplete matrix and
selects the missing portion from 4 or 5 response options.
- Vocabulary - For Picture Items, the child names pictures that are
displayed in a Stimulus Book. For Verbal Items, the child gives
definitions for words that the examiner reads aloud.
- Picture Concepts - The child is presented with two or three rows
pictures and chooses one picture from each row to form a group with a
common characteristic.
- Symbol Search - The child scans a search group and indicates
whether a target symbol matches any of the symbols in the search group.
- Word Reasoning - The child is asked to identify the common
concept being described in a series of increasingly specific clues.
- Coding - The child copies symbols that are paired with simple
geometric shapes. Using a key, the child draws each symbol in its
corresponding shape.
- Comprehension - The child answers questions based on his or her
understanding of general principles and social situations.
- Picture Completion - The child views a picture and then points to
or names the important missing part.
- Similarities - The child is read an incomplete sentence
two concepts that share a common characteristic. The child is asked to
complete the sentence by providing a response that reflects the shared
- Receptive Vocabulary - The child looks at a group of four
pictures and points to the one the examiner names aloud.
- Object Assembly - The child is presented with the pieces of a
puzzle in a standard arrangement and fits the pieces together to form a
meaningful whole within 90 seconds.
- Picture Naming - The child names pictures that are displayed in a
Stimulus Book.
The information
on this was adapted from sited websites, books,
discussions and emails. For more information please visit these
other websites:
Dickinson University, website created by Dumont/Willis