1. Initiating Action | being able to organize one’s thoughts well enough to get started on a particular task without having to be asked multiple times. |
2. Flexible Thinking | involves learning to adapt by shifting one’s focus and pace as various situations unfold. Imagine how difficult it would be to drive your car if it wouldn’t turn and only went one speed. (About as difficult as parenting a child with only one speed and one direction!) |
3. Sustaining Attention | focusing long enough and accurately enough to learn important information. By extension, attention also involves the ability to block distraction. A well orchestrated “executive brain” knows its priorities. |
4. Organization | is about managing space. It’s also about taking the emotional impact of chaos seriously. Why? Because chronic disorganization undermines forward momentum – a sense of accomplishment. |
5. Planning | is
about managing time, and is more important than any other executive
pillar when it comes to finishing things on schedule. A planning mind
uses time as a tool to clarify priorities and enhance productivity;
indispensable skills to 21st century success, beginning with school and, eventually, careers. |
6. Working Memory | is the ability to retain information long enough for it to be stored in long-term memory. Our society has a word for this process – learning. Of all the executive controls, working memory is the most pervasive, contributing to the smooth operation of every pillar. (Working memory is the rocket fuel of the modern mind.) |
7. Self Awareness | pertains to having both sufficient self-knowledge and an ability to perceive how others see you. This information is essential to making purposeful choices about how to act in situations where one wants to avoid unintended consequences that lead to isolation or ostracism. |
8. Regulating Emotions | means expressing one’s feelings in proportion to the events that elicited them. When a child under or over-reacts, she is out-of-sync with people or particular events. Socially, people tend to ignore a silent recluse, and run away from an “erupting volcano.” |
From his book: No Mind Left Behind: Understanding and Fostering Executive Control- The Eight Essential Brain Skills every Child Needs to Thrive, by Adam J. Cox, Ph.D. Psychologist |
i. Self awareness
ii. Self monitor the ability to inhibit or delay responding, which permits impulse control resistance to distraction and delay of gratification)
iii. Metacognition (Learning how to learn)
Executive Function fact sheet, by National Center of Learning Disabilities (NCLD)
Overview of Executive Function
Executive Functioning - What Is It and How Does It Affect Learning?
National Academy of Neuropsychology
Executive Functioning: Regulating Behavior for School Success, by By Dr. Sheldon H. Horowitz
The Realization and Utilization of Organization
What Are Executive Functions and Self-Regulation and What Do They Have to Do With Language Learning Disorders?
by Dr. Bonnie Singer and Dr. Anthony S. Bashir
The development of executive function across the life span
Executive Functions in Parents With ADHD
Executive Function in Education: From Theory to Practice
by Lynn Meltzer, plus a whole list of researchers and practitioners from education, neuroscience, and psychology (2007)
Executive Skills in Children and Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Assessment and Intervention
by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare (2004)
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One of our original web pages, created July 20, 2007, by Melody Orfei
Web page last modified on March 31, 2019 - V9, by Melody Orfei