Types of Educational tests

There are many different types of testing that can be done during an evaluations.  They can be done by our school system or independently:

There are about a dozen different intelligence test (WISC being the most common used) .

Achievement test for: reading, spelling, written language, and arithmetic/mathematics.

These are assessments listed on this page, click on the type of test or the test acronym, and it will take you to that place on the page.
Educational Diagnose  
TERA - young child basic abilities
Five areas of Reading:
Phonemic Awareness (PA)
(PA may also be tested in a Speech and Language evaluation)
CELF PA subtest
2. Phonics (Decoding)
WRMT - word attack & identification
WIST - decoding, and spelling (encoding)
3. Fluency
DIBELS - phonological awareness, alphabetic understanding, and fluency
RFI - fluency
GORT - fluency & comprehension
TOWRE - accuracy, fluency, sight words
4. Vocabulary
(Vocabulary may also be tested in a Speech and Language evaluation)
TOLD - spoken language,  vocabulary.
PPVT-  receptive vocabulary, verbal ability
EVT - expressive vocabulary
5. Comprehension strategies
Gates-MacGinitie - reading comprehension,  & vocabulary
GRADE - reading comprehension
GDRT -  identification, phonetic, vocabulary, & reading meaning
GORT-D - decode, comprehension
GSRT- silent reading comprehension
TORC- silent reading comprehension

Speech and Language :
      Oral Language:
CELF - oral language
CASL - oral language
TLC- oral language
OWLS -  written and oral
TNL - oral narrative

Problem solving, drawing inferences:
TOPS-E - problem solving
TOPS-A - problem solving


TOLD - spoken language,  vocabulary.
PPVT-  receptive vocabulary, verbal ability
EVT - expressive vocabulary

Auditory processing:
TAPS - auditory processing


Arizona - articul ation
GFTA - Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation

Social Pragmatics:
CELF-Pragmatics subtest 
Also check under Social skills, below in it's own section.

Phonological Awareness (PA):
(To test a child's readiness for reading, see Phonological Awareness Tests )

Social Skills:

Also check under Social Pragmatics, listed under Speech and Language.


Classroom Kindergarten Skills checklist 28  or by Tampa Reads

Classroom reading checks:

Stanford Diagnostic
DIBELS - phonological awareness, alphabetic understanding, and fluency



Reading Programs levels & ratings

Occupational Therapy :
MAP - developmental delays
PDMS - Peabody
TVPS - Gardner Test of Visual Perceptual
DTVP - Developmental Test of Visual Perception–Adolescent and Adult
MVPT- Motor Free Visual Perceptual
TVMS - Test of Visual Motor Skills
PVMIA - Preschool
Berry-VMI -
Visual Motor Integration
BOT- Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency
WOLD Sentence Copying Test
THS-Test of Handwriting skills

Sensory Profile

Executive Functioning (EF):



TGMD-Test of Gross Motor Development
BOT- Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency

Transition Assessments (TA):

Intelligence Tests
Achievement Tests
Aptitude Tests

Adaptive Behavior & Independent Living
Interest Inventories
Personality or Preference Tests
Career Development Measures
On the Job or Training Evaluations
Self-Determination Assessments

Related resources:
Describe the type of scores
Which Educational Test to use?
Article and book:
An Article: Tests & Measurements
Recommend Book
A tool to graph your test scores
Charts, diagrams and graphs:
Detailed Tests Scores chart
Full Scale IQ Bell Curve
Detailed Bell Curve (8 type of scores: Standard Deviations (SD), percentiles (%tiles), Z-scores, T-scores, Scaled Scores (ScS), Standard Scores (SS), Staines, etc. )
Less Detailed Bell Curve (3 type of scores: Standard Deviations (SD), Standard Scores (SS), and percentiles (%tiles)

Section divider


Comprehensive Achievement Assessment of Perceptual Abilities:

The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery
Cognitive ability, academic achievement, and scholastic interest.  provides a co-normed set of tests for measuring cognitive abilities and academic achievement.

Ages:  2.0+, Grades: K.0 - 16.9

Administration time:
Varies; approximately 5 minutes per subtest.

SS; GE; AE; PR; RMI; instructional ranges; developmental level bands. Yields individual test scores plus cluster scores.

A diagnostic tools used by evaluators to determine whether a student has learning disabilities.  It is important that both the cognitive and achievement portions of the Woodcock-Johnson test be administered.  Often only the achievement portion is given which points out the student's academic weaknesses. The cognitive test needs to be given to provide a more complete picture of the student's academic functioning and strengths. The combination of both the cognitive and achievement test results gives valuable information concerning the strengths and weaknesses of the student, the student's learning style, the possible presence of visual perceptual difficulties, and the student's aptitude in academic areas.  A student with learning disabilities often scores high in oral language and verbal ability. ( From The Woodcock-Johnson Test: Maximizing Benefits for Students with Learning Disabilities , by Larry Falxa.  Note: The WISC can be used for the   cognitive test instead of the WJ cognitive section.)

The WJ is divided into two sections, Cognitive and Achievement:

The WJ-R Cognitive part has 7 subtest and the supplement battery of the cognitive test are made up of 14 subtest (total 21).  The achievement battery 9 subtest and the supplement battery of the achievement battery test are made up of 5 subtest (total 14 subtest).  Giving us a total of 35 subtests in all.

The WJ-III Has 42 subtests, the Cognitive part has 20 subtests.  The achievement battery 22 subtest.   

For a list of the WJ-R, subtests and clusters, click here.
For a list of the WJ-III, subtest and clusters, click here.

Educators have often reported that when they give WJ to prove what they all ready know, and have found that test does not show the student areas of weakness.  It is important to have your child tested in each area of weakness.  Using standardize tests in their area of weakness (i.e. reading test, spelling, math test).   Publisher: Riverside Publishing Company website

See the list of the different diagnostic tests that are available.

    - Go to top of page (index) -

Achievement Assessment:

The Kaufmann Educational Achievement Tests (KTEA)

Test measure:
Achievement assessment of core subject areas.

Ages:  6-11, Grades: 1-12

Administration time:
Brief Form 20-30 minutes;
Comprehensive Form (Grades 1-3) 30-60 minutes, (Grades 4-12) 50-75 minutes.

Test purpose:
This test is intended to screen students on global achievement skills to determine the need for follow-up testing and evaluation.

Age and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), grade equivalents, percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), and stanine.   Provides error analysis for each subtest to help identify a student's strengths and weaknesses.   Provides accurate score comparisons for reading decoding, reading comprehension, and math.


To see actual example of Kaufmann report, click here 
    - Go to top of page (index) -


Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT)

Test measure:
Achievement assessment of core subject areas.

Ages: 4 - 50 WIAT-III,  Ages: 5 - 19 WIAT-II

Administration time:
30 - 75 minutes

Test purpose:
The educational achievement of the children and adolescents, verison 3 expanded to adults.

Age and grade-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), composite score, grade equivalents, percentile ranks and stanines.

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - Second Edition (WIAT-II), published in 2001, revises the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT), published in 1992, by The Psychological Corporation.  WIAT-III, published in 2009 the lastest verison. 

9 Subtests WIAT-II Descriptions:

(WIAT-II was Published by Harcourt Assessment, now Pearson )
WIAT-II Article by Dumont/Willis, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Nova Southeastern University WIAT-II test description

Updates to the WIAT-III: